Planned Maintenance
Planned Maintenance Programme 2022-2027
What Is Planned Maintenance?
Planned maintenance is the name given to a planned programme of scheduled improvements to your home, which would not be carried out as day-to-day repairs.
Works that are planned maintenance
These works are planned
• Kitchen Renewals
• Bathroom Renewals
• Roofing Work
• Window Replacement
• Door Replacement
• Re-Wiring Electrics
The 5 Year Plan
Unity has devised a 5-year planned maintenance programme, based on an independent stock condition survey which has been carried out on all Unity Properties. The stock condition survey indicated to us which components of your home needed replacing and a timescale of when this should be done.
Why we need your feedback?
You will receive a letter explaining the works to be carried out to your home in the next five years, this work is from the recommendations of the stock condition survey, however we would also like to have your feedback on the proposed works so that we can consider changes to our planned maintenance programme based on what residents believe to a priority to them.
How can i provide feedback?
On the letter you will receive, there will be a feedback form that you can return to Unity indicating your comments on the planned maintenance programme and also giving you the opportunity to attend consultation meetings to discuss the programme with Unity staff. Alternatively you can submit your feedback by emailing pmp@unityha.co.uk with your comments.
How will your views influence the planned maintenance programme?
We will listen to the feedback you tell us about what you feel should be the improvements made to your home and the timescales you think they should be completed in. We will discuss your requirements and inform you if we can make changes to our planned maintenance programme based on your recommendations.