Unity is recruiting for a Housing Services Manager and a Community Engagement Lead
We are a successful, independent and ambitious housing association driven by social purpose, supporting BME communities and multi-cultural communities across Leeds and Kirklees.
The role of Housing Services Manager is a great opportunity to join a team that not only supports people but is a key role in driving our business forward and making great places for our customers to live.
We are looking for someone with a housing management background who has experience in all aspects of managing and developing people. Someone who is innovative, dynamic and leads by example demonstrating our Unity values in all that they do.
The role of Customer and Community Engagement Lead is a great opportunity get know and understand our customers wants and needs, involving them in improving our services and making great homes and communities to live in.
We are looking for someone who is hands on, creative and confident in working with individuals and groups. Someone who can drive the views of customers into our operational and business plans and ensure we make a positive difference to what we do and the communities we work within.
If you are confident you can deliver and are up for the challenge, then we’d love to hear from you. We believe these are brilliant opportunities to make a difference and we look forward to receiving your application.
Please see the current vacancies page under the Employment tab.
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