Benefit Changes are on their way

The 2015 Budget will bring with it some important changes to benefits. If you think you’ll be affected by the changes, call 0113 200 7700 for help and advice.

Universal Credit

Who will it affect?

For now it will only apply to single people who lose work after 1st February 2016 and would have applied for Job Seekers Allowance (JSA). If you are already on JSA you will not switch to Universal Credit yet, unless you find work and lose it again.

Who will it help?

If you have just lost work, or if you are working on a low wage (less than £78 per week) and live on your own, you may be able to apply for Universal Credit.

How will I apply?

Online. The Job Centre, Unity and Leeds City Council can help you to do this, as well as offer you computer skills courses.

What do I need to know, when I claim?

  • Your rent – All tenants pay rent, even if Housing Benefit currently pays it for you.
  • Service charges – You will receive this information from us shortly, if you have not already
  • Your property address
  • Number of bedrooms in the property
  • Unity Housing Association’s address (113-117 Chapeltown Road, LS7 3HY)

Housing Benefit Changes

Keep you claim up to date

Don’t delay in claiming Housing Benefit or telling Leeds Benefit Service about any new circumstances such as different pay or hours worked. You will only be able to backdate a claim four weeks and not six months anymore. Plus, if Housing Benefit has overpaid you in the past, they will take the money back again, as quickly as they can.

If you are struggling to pay back a Housing Benefit overpayment, talk to your Income Manage Officer. They can help you write to Housing Benefit and ask that you pay back less each week.

Starting a family after 2016?

Be aware that the amount of additional Housing Benefit and Tax Credits you can claim will be less.

Planning a third child?

A family with two children who have a third child after April 2017 will not get as much additional Housing Benefit or Tax Credits for the third child.

Extended stays abroad

Leaving the country for a while? Now Housing Benefit and Pension Credits will only pay you for one month, then they will stop. If you go aborad for longer than one month Housing Benefit will stop.

Thinking of moving?

From 2016, if you move to a council or housing association property, the amount of Housing Benefit you may get will be capped, like it is for tenants of private landlords – so your rent may be more than your Housing Benefit.

The Benefit Cap

Benefits of more than £384/week?

Sometime in 2016 the total amount of out of work benefits you receive could fall. That will mean less Housing Benefit. If you receive benefits totalling more than £384, any amount about that will come off your Housing Benefit, even if it paid directly to Unity.

For help and advice:

Call Income Management Team Leader, Clive on 0113 200 7753
Call Income Management Officer, Matt on 0113 200 7733
Call Income Management Officer, Sam on 0113 200 7737
Call Income Management Officer, Russell on 0113 200 7752

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